Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas Catch Up

The Pea's first Christmas was a smashing sucess! The Pea had her stage debut playing baby Jesus in the church's Christmas program- she was doing her "exercises" so vigorously in the manger I thought she might turn it over! She partied for three days straight- we kicked off the festivities Wednesday night with candy making at Great Aunt Lanie's house, followed by Christmas Eve at Great Grandma Marlow's and Grammy & Papaw's then for Christmas day lunch at Mimi and Grandpa Byrd's. Lot's of fun was had by all, the Pea especially enjoyed sharing her first Christmas with cousin Troxell aka "Wookie".

The Pea has also had several firsts, she laughed out loud the Tuesday before Christmas and it was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. She has also started really playing with her little toys which is so adorable. Her friend (and mine) Joni got her a little blue elephant which absolutely adores. I like him too, he smells like vanilla!

Again, I am in awe of God's blessings and love he continuously pours out on myself and my family. When I think about how hard Christmas was last year and how joyful this year was, all I can do is thank HIM!

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