Sunday, December 6, 2009

What a week!!!!

It's Sunday night and all is right with the world. Daddy is giving the Pea a bath and momma is enjoying some pretzels and the glow of the Christmas lights- aaaahhhhh. This has been a big week to say the very least! The Pea turned 2 months old, got a great report from the pediatrician and we both survived her first round of shots. We were horrified by the needles but once the Pea, myself and Grammy fled the office we felt a whole lot better. So much better I bought the Pea a pair of light pink faux fur uggs- nothing like a little retail therapy. The Pea is in the 75th percentile in weight and head circumfrence and 50th percentile in height, her feet however are in the 10th percentile having not grown much since birth so the uggs are a bit loose ;)

Little did we know Aunt Holly had much more exciting events planned for us later on in the week! On Friday night the Pea welcomed her first little cousin into this big 'ol world! Little Troxell Owen Harbin arrived (in a BIG hurry) around 11:30 p.m., the Pea was so excited she couldn't hardly sleep at all. The not sleeping part wasn't really that big of a stretch, as many of you know the Pea needs a total of 20 mins of sleep every 24 hours. We are hoping cousin Troxell does not have the same non sleeping gene! He is beautiful with luxurious thick black hair and the cutest little cheeks ever. The Pea and Troxell met for the first time today- I am pretty sure they are gonna be great buddies. Grammy got some pictures of their first meeting- I will post those as soon as I get a copy. Just prepare yourselves for the extreme cuteness.

So that's a short wrap up of the week in the life of the Pea- now she is bathed with fuzzy hair waiting on momma to feed her.

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