Saturday, July 17, 2010

Where does the time go?!

Here we are in the middle of July and I haven't done any of the things I had planned to do this summer. I hope I am not the only one facing this dilemma. Should I keep the list and stress out or throw the list away- there is always next summer..... Clementine on the other hand has done ALL of the things on her to do list. The list reads something like this:

1. Get cuter every day.

2. Get feistier every day.

3. Get more mischievous EVERY day.

4. Grow a set of razor sharp teeth.

5. Skip crawling and proceed to standing and almost walking.

6. Continue to stay awake 22 1/2 hours out of 24 EVERY day.

The Pea has made her list, checked it twice and is moving on! LOL!! She can now say dog, da da, momma, ruff ruff and Don. Quite to vocabulary for someone who doesn't get out much. Her favorite word continues to be da da- which she says all day long. She is a dog lover, much to her da da's dismay- she can't get enough of dogs! Just don't try to fool her with a stuffed dog, this makes her very concerned when the dog doesn't move like her dogs outside.

We went for her 9 month check up this past Tuesday. She is off the charts for weight and head circumference and in the 85% for height- always the over achiever. No shots this time so we were pretty pleased about that! She has also graduated to eating some chopped bananas as well as sweet potato puffs all by herself. She has also skipped the starter sippy cup and prefers to drink her water out of a sippy cup with a straw. I guess when you are the Pea of Sheba you can do as you please in that and most other departments.
There has also been some pretty major developments in "ahem" another department- the Pea is being weaned. She is not happy about it but after many, MANY shall we say "incidences" with her 4 razor sharp teeth I have no choice. This has been a sore subject with the two of us for some time. We spend a lot of time together, it is convenient and free but in an act of self preservation I think weaning is our best bet. We both are feeling a little emotional about this- it is almost like some major part of our relationship is over. Which I guess that it is, it was a hard decision. She just isn't one of those babies who you can flick on the chin and she will stop chomping down. The flicks just seemed to make her bite harder. The only thing that seems to make her let go is my blood curdling scream or if I just faint dead away. Whew. I was afraid that weaning would lead to her not even sleeping the small amount of time she manages but she has been surprising me the last couple of nights by going to sleep on her own- of course still in the bed with me and da da. Usually if I even tried to act like I wasn't going to nurse her to sleep she would howl and scream until she was purple. So, again the Pea has surprised me. I can always count on her to always do the exact opposite of what I expect. So here is to the new chapter for the two of us. I can start to drink sweet tea again and maybe the independence will do us both some good. Or maybe she will change her mind and nurse until she is five......

I am going to attach a few pictures from the last little bit. The photo of the older gentleman is the Pea's great great uncle T who is an awesome and interesting guy that we both love to pieces.

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