Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kinda Blue

There are a lot of changing going on here in the Byrd household, most have to do with the Pea. Thanks to Ms. Hazel's fervent prayers the Pea, yes the Pea of Sheba has been sleeping. By sleeping I mean ALL night and as an added bonus (blessing) she has been napping! I know, I know it all seems too good to be true and the Pea is a crafty one but I believe this is for real. Tonight she could prove me wrong but I choose to believe that Ms. Hazel prayed for a miracle and it happened and I could not be any more thankful if I tried!

Another change has me feeling quite sad at the moment. Tonight was the first night the Pea has ever gone to sleep without nursing. She didn't even put up much of a fight, a little whimper and then she went to sleep. I knew this day would come and we have been working on it for a while but still. We are now separate......... there may have been some tears shed by both parties involved.

I ran into a friend of mine the other day who is a very new mommy, like 6 weeks in new. When I talk to people about motherhood and the whole all consuming am I gonna live through this first few months I always try to be honest and frank about my feelings and experiences. It is hard, one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life and I am only 9 months in! I hate to think that there are sweet mothers out there thinking they are horrible because they have discovered, much to their dismay, that after all the showers and the glowing pregnancy and the decorating of the nursery there is REAL work to do. By REAL work I mean the serious business of caring for another human being. A life filled with poop, pee, screaming, crying, fit throwing, do we need to go to the emergency room at 2 am because they never get sick during office hours, food spitting, giggling, laughing out loud, first tooth picture takin, I can't believe she is walkin, did she really just sleep through the night, what an awesome funny kid, I still can't believe I have a baby life. The Pea's Papaw Byrd put it best when he said being a parent is the hardest job in the world if you give a crap. It always feels better to know you aren't the only one out there laying in the floor beside the crib peeking in every few minutes or rolling over on the middle of the night to make sure your baby, who up until last week never slept, was still breathing because she had been asleep for more than an hour. Ok I might have even poked her a little too. Or the momma who cries uncontrollably because her baby is playing on the floor and looks at you and claps because she turned a page on her little book. I guess I just wanted to say to all of my little sweet momma friends out there that you are doing a great job and it is very hard contrary to how easy Heidi Klum makes it look. ;)

I also wanted to add the cutest pic of my nephew (I just love typing that) he continues to be the most perfect baby ever and I love his big ol drooly smile so much! Wookie + Auntie Ber = Love

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