Friday, October 22, 2010

It just keeps getting better!

Well the Pea is officially one! She had an awesome time at her party- lots of friends and family. The Pea partied so hard she had to take a nap before the party was over- her little eyes were closing before we even had all of the family photos taken. As you can tell from the picture she was tuckered out!

The biggest surprise from the day was how the Pea handled her cake- she nibbled on the icing WITH A SPOON! It tickled me so much because I was sure she would dive head first into the cake as soon as she tasted it but she was such a little lady about it. The Wookie was dying to show her what to do!

The Pea continues to crack me up with her little personality. She is so bossy and sassy- I know, I know, funny now not funny later but still. She is in to EVERYTHING and if she can't get to it herself she will point and "tell" you what she would like to get in to next. I feel like I am continuously say "no, no" she even scoots over to things she knows are "no, no" and shakes her head "no, no"..... at least she is paying attention.

Thankfully she had started eating a bit better and has taken quite an interest in table food. I have been steaming up some yummy veggies for her and she eats them up. She has developed a bit of a quirk when eating- she doesn't want you to watch her eat. If you are watching she just sits there and stares out the window. The minute you start to eat yourself of do something else she starts to eat! That could be why she didn't dive head first into the cake- far too big of an audience. For now I just act like I am not looking while she eats and it seems to work. Whatever works! The sleeping is still going wonderfully. She has been getting up at least once per night for the last little bit but I am sure it has to do with the fact that she has three teeth coming in at the same time. She is rockin the naps like nobodies business which is such a wonderful thing! I've said it a thousand times and I will say it a thousand more, there is nothing and I mean nothing better than a sleeping baby!

She is also on the verge of walking- it is so funny to see her trying to balance on those tiny little feet of hers. Speaking of feet, she has allowed me to put shoes on her a few times and doesn't seem to mind them that much at all anymore. This excites me greatly because she has an awesome pair of red Chuck Taylors I can't wait for her to wear.

The Pea also got to go to the Troxell family reunion in Crossville in October. This was a pretty special treat because there aren't a lot of us around AND she got to meet not one or two great-great (yep 2 greats) Aunts and Uncles but 4 great-great Aunts and 2 great-great Uncles! She sure does have a bunch of folks who love her! She had a great time on the car ride down as you can see from the picture- she and her baby had a wonderful nap! She also fell in love with her great uncle Lawrence- he reminded me so much of my Papaw Troxell with her. She snuggled right up and made herself at home.

She just continues to amaze and crack me up everyday. On Monday she came home from a visit to Grammy's house with a hot pink velcro roller in her hair.... momma said she really wanted it and put it in her hair herself! She has also really been working on talking, she told my momma tank you last Saturday and said hello to me earlier in the week. Everyday she is becoming this little person with so much personality- it just makes me so excited about the future!

Anyway, this first year has flown by. There were times when I thought I might not survive it but I made it and so did the Pea. Things really do just keep getting better everyday! I am so thankful that God chose me to be her momma!