Friday, September 24, 2010

Rounding the Bend......

Well here we are coming up on a year! I can't believe it, people told me that it would go by fast but I had no idea. I am happy to report that the Pea is still sleeping wonderfully except for a few nights in the last month. The Byrds have been s-i-c-k for weeks now with some sort of head cold nastiness that won't seem to go away. I guess that is the price you pay when you are exposed to 5th graders as well as daycare germs. The Pea is doing fantastic in her class at daycare, she loves everybody and of course everybody loves her. She has some little friends who are teaching her all kinds of new tricks. I am sure she has taught them a thing or two- I keep expecting calls from other parents any day now.

The Pea is cruising around hanging on to the furniture- she is getting very steady on those tiny feet! She has been into everything for months now, I guess we will just have to remove everything from the house and put down some sort of gymnastic mats to be safe. Shoes have become a major issue for the Pea and I- we aren't too sure about them but a lot of people around us seem to think shoes are essential for walking or cruising. I personally don't care for shoes and I don't really see a huge need for the Pea to wear them. It isn't cold yet and she doesn't walk outside... plus she doesn't really see a big need for them either. What I mean by her not seeing a big need for them is she curls her toes so that it is impossible to get a shoe on her foot and howls like a wild animal. She will let me put a swell pair of Robeez on her- they are really soft like moccasins but she will only wear them for a little bit before she fusses. Here is a quick conversation that came from the back seat last Saturday between the Pea and her Grammy:

The Pea "gggrrrrgrrrr ggggrrrrrrrr eeehhhhh"

Grammy " What Clemmy, what? Here is your book"

The Pea "duck duck duck, ggggrrrrr gggggrrrrrr aaaarrrrrhhhhh"

Grammy " Momma I thing she wants her shoes off"

The Momma "Ok take em off"

She had been wearing the shoes for probably 15 minutes. LOL!

Any advice on the shoe thing would be greatly appreciated. Do they really need them? Not so much? I don't know. I do know that I found an adorable pair of Robeez that look like little pink mice. If shoes are necessary, I will be making a purchase. Or maybe the hot pink cowgirl boots would be more appropriate...... they have soft soles and fringe. If you don't know what Robeez are you have to check out the website asap- I had it saved in my favorites waaaaaayyyy before I was even pregnant. Just in case...

On a more serious note, the Pea who has always had a voracious appetite has decided she doesn't want to eat. She cries and howls and tries to get out of her high chair. At first I thought it was because of the cold, then teething and then because I was trying to get her to try some not so pureed steamed carrots or some potatoes. She still takes her bottles like a champ but other than that she will just eat a few spoonfuls and gets upset. I don't know what to do. She usually loves to eat especially carrots and sweet potatoes but now she almost gags. I am not worried yet but it is a little weird. I am going to talk to her pediatrician about it when we go for the one year check up.

I guess we will continue to barrel into the future at the same alarming rate of the past year. I was laughing thinking about what I was doing this time a year ago. Waiting.....waiting and walking. I walked and I walked and I walked around the little neighborhood we live in. It is mostly retired people so they would walk with me or come out and talk to me as I waddled past. The due date came and went, I walked and continued to get bigger even though I wasn't eating very much because a certain someone had pushed my stomach and lungs up into my throat. I knew things were not going well when my maternity clothes didn't fit anymore and my flip flops were cutting off my circulation. September turned to October and I learned the true meaning of patience.