Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cha cha changes!!

Well, the Pea and I are finishing up our first official month as stay at home momma and stay at home baby! We have survived relatively unscathed- LOL!! She continues to amaze me every day with her larger than life personality and sense of humor. I know, I know she is only 7 months old but boy is she a character! You can ask her repeatedly if she is a good girl or if she is going to sleep tonight- her response is an alarmingly beautiful smile, eye twinkle, no head shake combo. She knows already just what to do to make you laugh so hard.

She refuses to roll over no matter how much we beg, no matter how many tempting things such as daddy's i phone or the tv remote we put just out of her reach. She has officially rolled over one time on her own and that was just because the Wookie did it and she just wanted to show us she could if she feels like it. She has been spending some time on the Jenny Jump up but in true Pea style she just sort of swings herself with her big toe while she fusses at me to get her outta there. She may never walk or crawl, I am going to have to resort to a small wagon to get her from point a to point b!

I have found that she loves it outside and absolutely loves dogs. As soon as she sees the dogs she starts to "whistle" to get their attention. So sweet and precious is she! LOL!
Ok, ok so the purple part of this post I wrote in May. It is now June .....not sure what day it is but it is def. June. We have packed in some more BIG adventures in the last little bit. We rode up to Rugby for their spring festival and had a blast. The Pea was in her element- lots of people cooing at her and lots of music and action. She is such a ham. The more people fussing over her the better! The Pea had her first trip to the beach. We went to Tybee Island last week and it was heavenly- oh how I love funky little ol Tybee Island. I think it was a hit with the Pea as well, she was perfect on the loooong ride down and perfect on the looonnng ride home. We were probably crazy to make such a trip with a 6 month old (Wookie) and an 8 month old (The Pea) but we pulled it off and it was a perfect vacation. The Pea is a natural born swimmer and loved the ocean- she practically tried to leap out of my arms into the waves. She and the Wookie played in the condo, they played on towels in the sand they played in the big pool, they played in their own private baby pool, they played on the beds- they had a big time to say the least! We are so blessed to have such healthy, precious beautiful babies!

The Pea continues to refuse to roll over, crawl or even get up on her knees-crazy baby. I know that she could if she wanted to. I half expect to find her walking around one day. She continues to amaze me with the things she seems to understand- what a sense of humor that girl has. She knows when to turn on the charm with her little twinkly eyes and big ol dimple.
Unfortunately her sleeping habits haven't improved much and actually the last two weeks or so she has seemed to regress a bit (YIKES). Right now she is asleep in her big bed (fingers crossed). I am not sure why, but I am exhausted but once I manage to wrestle her to sleep for a few hours I can't sleep- weird.

While we were on vacation the Pea turned eight months old, yep eight months already. We celebrated at the Sugar Shack with some ice cream. I might get the worst mother award but I did give her a little taste of my mint chocolate chip- she loved it!

I was reading another blog about motherhood and the lady who writes it is like so dead on. I would love to meet her because she puts into words so many of my own feelings. The only difference? She is a writer who lives in TX and her baby is from Ethiopia and I am just a sleep deprived hillbilly and my baby is from my belly...... This is part of one of her posts- I have to admit I usually cry every time I check in with her.... she hits the nail right on the head every time.

I am tired. I am suddenly aware of my limited reserves of patience and energy and imagination. I like to think of these as muscles that are being worked for the first time by a merciless trainer—who not only yells, but spits and vomits and craps on me. I'm working on my strength and endurance. I am sometimes struck with moments of great loneliness. I think I am lonely for the life I used to have that allowed for some alone time. I am shaky from being hit again and again with overwhelming waves of tenderness and concern for the little person who now sleeps down the hall. I am still mystified by the realization that I have a daughter. I haven't seemed to regain my balance since we've met.
It was two weeks and five days after we returned home when I was struck—again with the force of a rogue wave—with the sudden realization that I loved this little girl.
I'm not yet the mother I'd like to be—but I have to think I'll get there one day.
Posted by Mama Dog at 7:04 AM 18 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Enough of that now for some cute pics from the last little bit.