Friday, April 9, 2010

New post alert!

Soooooo very much has happened since I last blogged about 3 years ago! I have been back to work for several months now and just when I thought things were going back to normal and I would be returning full time- God once again has shown me what happens when I make plans! LOL!!! My babysitter situation fell through so it looks as if I am going to be a stay at home momma for a while! The Pea is terribly excited- I am too! Speaking of the Pea- oh my how she is changing! She turned six months old on the second and is sitting up on her own, laughing all the time and has two razor sharp teeth! I am pretty sure she has spoken her first word and it is "Hi"- she says it all the time- of course with a southern accent so it is more like "Hiiiieeee". She has developed the funniest little personality. She loves to have a good time, rough house and be the life of the party in general. Everyday with her just keeps getting better. I love the little mischevious look she gives me- like she knows so much and can't wait to tell me all about it. Or maybe she is smiling because she knows I am going to pay for my a big way.

As she grows and I adjust more and more to motherhood I have realized several things:

1. When you are the mother of a shall we say "challenging" baby, you do what is right for you and the baby- not what all of the books say.

2. When your challenging baby chooses to sleep only about 1/4 of the normal time babies are supposed to sleep, you are very tired and learn to sleep with your eyes open at work, church and any other time you can find yourself in the sitting position.

3. Tom Foolery such as blogs, baby books, showers, hair styling, the ironing of clothes, eating and going to the bathroom are not essential as I once thought they were. They are luxeries that can only be partaken of in the dark of night while the baby is sleeping.

4. If the "challenging" baby will sleep more than her usual 45 minute cat nap if placed spead eagle in the middle of her parents bed while momma and papa cling to the edges- so be it.

5. When people say their babies sleep through the night and have slept through the night since birth blah blah blah, etc, etc, I don't think I should a) have to hear that and b) be their friend again until their perfect baby developes a really nasty habit that my dear Pea does not have so I can say "my baby never does that".

Words of wisdom or insanity brought on by sleep deprivation, you can be the judge.

The Pea enjoyed her first Easter so much she is still talking about it! She went to church was a perfect angel, checked out her Easter basket, played with the Wookie and barely fussed at all. A perfect day indeed!

Here are a few photos from Easter.....prepare yourself. Sorry they are all over the place I still don't know how to get my blog pictures to go where I want them.