Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well, here goes nothing! My little Clementine Rose and I are officially going to enter the great big 'ol blog-o-sphere. As many of you know already I am a first time momma with an adorable little baby girl. I am currently on maternity leave with her and am loving every single minute of it. I hope to use this blog to keep everybody updated on Clementine as well as share my thoughts and feelings about motherhood. When I think about how my life has changed in the last 6 and a half weeks I can hardly believe it. Everyone tells you how different your life will be but like most things in life you don't have a clue until it happens to you. I can hardly remember my life before Clementine, although I do daydream about sleep! So far motherhood has been scary, beautiful, overwhelming, confusing- who knew you could pack so many emtions into such a tiny package? Our little Clementine has managed to pick up many nicknames in her short time with us because she is such a little character already. I named this blog after her first nickname, Pea of Sheba. Her daddy decided that was a wonderful name for her the second day in the hospital. He had her tiny little highness propped up on a pillow, she had such a serious face with a tiny little pink bow glued to her tiny perfectly round pea sized head. She has gone on to earn many more nicknames like the latest- Kickin Piggy, but the Pea of Sheba she will always be to me.